DTIL is a front-runner in the Indian DTH industry, providing best-in-class entertainment across genres, to every nook and corner of the nation. With a deep distribution network reaching over 9450 cities and towns of India, it caters to more than 37% of the Satellite TV Market in India.
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I welcome you all to Dish TV India Limited’s 35th Annual General Meeting. Our company’s efforts to expand our broadcasting and entertainment services contribute to the growth of our business.
Read moreDish TV India Limited leads the market with its three prominent brands – Dish TV, D2H and Zing Digital. Serving its customers with passion, it offers the best quality in entertainment services.
Read MoreAsia's largest Direct to Home Entertainment Brand, Dish TV is the pioneer when it comes to digital entertainment. A division of Dish TV India Limited, the innovative offerings and revolutionary features of Dish TV have earned it a prestigious place of being India’s Most Trusted DTH Brand, 4 years in a row.
Read MoreD2H, the youngest entrant in DTH category in India, started its operations in 2009. Today it is the fastest growing DTH service with a net subscriber base of more than 23 million subscriber homes. It has a strong pan-India distribution network and penetration across 93% of all consumer durable trade outlets.
Read MoreIndia, 22 April 2024: Dish TV, has taken a path-breaking initiative to redefine the entertainment experience in India. The leading DTH provider in a first-of-its-kind move has announced its ground-breaking proposition ‘Dish TV Smart+’. This launch marks a pioneering milestone in the industry, providing customers access to TV and OTT content on any screen, anywhere, without any additional cost. It ensures convenience, flexibility, and enhanced entertainment options, empowering customers to tailor their viewing experience.
New Delhi, 14 March 2024: Dish TV, a prominent DTH service provider, has launched a strategic outreach initiative targeting Hindi Speaking Market (HSM) regions across Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh East & West, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar to popularise its Zing Super offering through on-ground activities, tailored for Tier-2, Tier-3 towns, and deep rural areas. The company is using all decked up dynamic interactive Audio-Video (AV) vans to promote its special ‘Zing Super offer’ and provide entertainment avenues to the HSM market, with the aim to attract potential customers towards the evolved entertainment experience of the pay television.
भारत, 1 मार्ण, 2024: डायरेक्ट-टू-होम (डीटीएच) टेलीविजन सेिाओं में अग्रणी वडश टीिी इंवडया ने केबल ऑपरेटरों के साथ की गई साझेदारी के तहत अपनी एक अभूतपूिव पहल 'ओन योर कस्टमर' (OYC) का प्रमोचन वकया। इस पहल द्वारा जारी की गई व्यिस्था के तहत स्थानीय केबल ऑपरेटरों (LCO) के साथ सहयोगी साझेदारी के माध्यम से वडश टीिी, ऑविकल फाइबर, ट्ांसमीटर, नोड्स और एम्पलीफायरों जैसे व्यापक बुवनयादी ढांचे के वबना सरल तरीके से उन्हें ग्राहकों तक टीिी सुविधाएं प्राप्त करा सकेगा जो नेटिकव की समग्र विश्वसनीयता को बढ़ाते हुए इसकी मजबूत कनेक्टक्टविटी को सुवनवित करेगा।